What’s the essence of this analysis? RupayDex is poised to deliver virtually every service related to multi-blockchain trade aggregation, DeFi, NFT, lending & also staking. Our target investors are top dogs in the crypto investments sector globally.
Crypto hedge funds
Hedge fund companies have the advantage of being able to invest in almost anything. From classic asset classes like equities, fixed income, commodity, currency to derivatives and other kinds of leverage, almost nothing is off-limits. With the huge profits created by cryptocurrencies, it was only a matter of time until they looked into it to earn the revenues they needed to keep their investors happy.
Catering to accredited investors or institutional investors it automatically is not constrained by stricter rules that apply to other players in financial markets, as they do not warrant the same protection as retail clients and as such allow hedge funds to operate riskier strategies. It’s a match made in heaven, you could say. The Cryptocurrency sector, largely unregulated, offers opportunities like no other asset class at the moment is the perfect playing field for return-hungry, risk-embracing hedge funders. We will use our partners to our advantage to ensure RupayDex stays uptight and liquid to furnish our profitable model.
Crypto trading Strategy companies avoiding Counterparty Risk
If your crypto fund trading strategy necessitates leaving significant assets on exchanges, you'll need a robust counterparty risk framework that is constantly monitored. This may entail employing several exchanges and restricting the maximum exposure to one exchange at any given time. Then comes RupayDex to provide you real-time data from thousands of exchanges at a go. Companies in this field will be taking a cue from the services we will provide for a very sustainable lengthy time.
Altcoin order books can be thin and fragmented across many different exchanges, making establishing the best price very difficult. On top of that, accessing such opportunities requires having an open balance on multiple exchanges – often making it impractical for ordinary traders.
We will solve these kind of problems. RPX’s liquidity aggregator will enable users to easily split orders and purchase coins from different exchanges in a timely and cost effective way.
Retail traders
Almost 35 percent of Americans are purchasing cryptocurrencies. Men are almost twice as likely as women – 43 percent to 23 percent – to have bought cryptocurrency. Almost half, 47 percent, of individuals making $75,000 to $99,999 annually had entered the markets. Less than a quarter of those making under $25,000 have invested in cryptocurrency. Age really doesn’t play any factor when it comes to trading crypto. According to our results, more upcoming youths are getting better at trading crypto assets. This positions retail investors in bits. With our advanced marketing and SEO tools, we abound to every investor all around the world.
Coins stored at exchanges are at risk on CEXs
Exchanges are generally accepted to be unsuitable for long-term cryptocurrency storage due to the risks of hacking and theft, as well as scheduled or unscheduled downtime making funds inaccessible. RupayDex will support instant withdrawals, meaning coins are immediately transferred to the user’s external wallet and are not held on the platform itself.
A search for Trade-tracking tools
Tracking transactions involving several crypto currencies on multiple exchanges necessitates a great deal of manual accounting on the user's part, and exchanges are unable to provide a uniform safe solution. In many countries, knowing the exact amounts and dates of a transaction is critical for tax reporting. A small blunder might result in increased taxation or, in rare circumstances, criminal responsibility. This alone necessitates the importance of a unified handy multi-blockchain exchange aggregator to enable a swift sale of assets when capital is immediately required.
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