Rupaydex Trader Credit (RDTC)
RDTC is the second token issued by Rupaydex, RDTC will be used as the trading rewards on our trading incentive system.
Briefly, RDTC is a SAFEMOON styled token but without a reflection function. But different from most moon tokens, RDTC is backed by an existed AMM exchange and has clear use cases.
Max Supply: 1 Quadrillion
15% for jungles farming
75% for trading rewards pool
10% for dev fund
Transfer Tax Fee: 10%
5% for automatic liquidity acquisition
2% burned
3% resent to the trading rewards pool
More details about RDTC will be published later.
How Can RTDC Holders Benefit
RDTC can be staked to earn RPX
RDTC will cover almost all use cases of RPX in near future
No Migrator Code
The migrator code has been removed from the MasterChef contract.
Last updated