Size & Expected Growth of the Market
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The total market cap of all crypto assets is still very low in comparison with other kinds of Assets.
As probably observed, the cryptocurrency space has witnessed hybrid growth and development in DeFi. Over 60% of the general use cases & adoption seen in blockchain today have emanated from basic interactions generated by traders who utilize basic exchange platforms to farm, stake or lend cryptocurrencies. In some way, this is institutional adoption is gradually playing its part daily.
Additionally, with more influx of institutional funds driven by daily maturing regulation, there is an ever increasing utility for real-time blockchain applications in the finance industry.
Through RupayDex; an amalgamated hedge funding provided through Virtual capitalists in real-estate, transportation & energy ecosystems respectively: becomes available to our trading consumers. These implementations are to provide a form of secured equity, furthermore setting an additional derivative foundation for RPX to back its market value upon. Our specialized ecosystem intends to smartly lower market entry barriers for newcomers so that an organic participation from basic supply chains in retail industry can follow up.